VIVA 365 through Platcorp Foundation supported wildlife rangers in conjunction with ForRangers. Rangers are on the front line with respect to the war against poaching and are often in conflict with armed poachers and militia groups, aside from having to deal with dangerous wild animals and managing conflict with the communities that border the protected areas they support.
Despite the dangers that rangers face on an almost daily basis they are often ill-equipped, and more often than not do not have the necessary life and/or medical cover that would be expected for people in high risk jobs. With guidance from ForRangers, and in partnership with VIVA 365, Platcorp Foundation took the step to support rangers in four of the major conservancies adjacent to the Maasai Mara through the roll out of life cover for nearly 100 rangers. This cover is a significant motivating factor for these rangers, providing piece of mind for them and their families. This is an initiative that the Foundation and Viva365 will look to build on over the coming years.
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