Viva 365 contributed funds towards the UltraMARAthon event held at the Maasai Mara. The annual one-day footrace marathon was held to help raise funds for the conservancies at the northern Maasai Mara. As an organization, Viva 365 is committed to environmental conservation and will continue to support initiatives that raise funds for such projects. The fund raised went into three key initiatives including the Mara Elephant project that seeks to recruit, train and deploy rangers to curb elephant poaching and human-wildlife conflict. It will also support rangers in the conservancies in terms of the provision of uniforms, equipment, and administration. In addition to that, It will also help in the expansion of a women’s health center that provides prenatal/postnatal care, family planning education, and other services. The center will assist 50 to 60 women in childbirth each month.
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